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Fun hunt

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:02 am
by merchantmace
There is an ice blue pet in the world of whispering pines. You will need 107 taming to claim it. It is somewhere in the vast world of trammel.

If you find it and bring it back to mechantmace you will recieve a platinum runic hammer, 3500 powerscroll credits, 2 mil gold and an item bless deed.

Happy hunting.

Re: Fun hunt

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:14 pm
by merchantmace
Congrats to justice.... Justice has claimed this prize.

Re: Fun hunt

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:51 pm
by Justice
I did indeed. It was fun! First I started walking all over Trammel, but than I thought, whats a good place to hide a ice blue pet? I went to Ice and outside, but no pet. Than it struck me, whats the most dangerous dungeon in Trammel? The one I died in lots of times: Terra Keep. So I stealthed it (sure I'm strong enough to eat em all alive, I just couldnt be bothered :).
The exciting moment is when you actually spot the pet and find out that you made the right choice... Heart rate went up a little. Super nice excitement. Than taming and recalling like crazy.

Thanks awefully much Mace, it was a lovely hunt with a BIG prize too. I hope to re-use the horse some day and make it a tradition...
