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Lothar's Quest Line Vs. New Player Dungeon

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:42 pm
by Abigail Darkmore

I was wondering if Lothar's questline with the letters is also the new player dungeon? The way the new player guide was written though; it made it sound as if the new player dungeon was a different place.

I looked all over Haven though and even in and around Lothar's little castle and I could not find the entrance. I just wanted to be sure that if the new player dungeon is NOT the same as Lothar's dungeon quest line; then somehow I did not find it.

It would be great to explore it as I hope to see most if not all places in the game eventually =)

Thank you,

Re: Lothar's Quest Line Vs. New Player Dungeon

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:57 pm
by Falkor
We did have a standalone New Player Dungeon. However, when we switched to the newer client a few years ago, the area we used for a dungeon disappeared! I never did come up with a replacement location.

You aren't missing anything -- I just forgot to find a new home for the dungeon :D

Re: Lothar's Quest Line Vs. New Player Dungeon

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:36 pm
by Abigail Darkmore
Ohhhh haha ok, so I am not totally going crazy then =)

Thank you for the response.