Hi Folks,
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I seem to vaguely recall that when the Loot Bags were first re-implemented (about a year ago), the ones given to players had some pre-defined loot items/types already in them - and that some of these predefinitions were of a generic nature (i.e. 'scrolls', instead of listing all 64 magery scrolls).
If this is so, is there a way to re-load just a generic TYPE of item, instead of all of the individual items into the loot list (obviously, I had cleared the list as it originally came in order to better define just what *I* wanted). Then, as I started to add items, I found that I needed to add each and every item individually - a royal pain.
Also, and this should probably be added to the "Commands' page - using a '-c' option on your loot command ( '[cl -c' ) will cut and skin the hides and meat (if there is any) from a creature before it loots it. You still have to ensure that the meat and cut hides are in your loot list to grab or claim them.