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item pricing for vendors
Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:56 pm
by Czarina
Because of the ever growing player base on WP would anyone mind starting a thread with average pricing on things? Im curious myself because there is some basing of resource and item pricing but newer players not might know, Id hate to see people price stuff to high and wonder why it doesnt sell. a resource price guide would be great. Along with items that are craftable and maybe some artifact and powerscroll pricing. Thank you in advance to whoever sees this.
Re: item pricing for vendors
Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:58 am
by Exodus
Never an easy answer. I think it depends on how much gold people on the shard have on average at a given time. A few years ago, lots of things cost multiple millions of gold because the money was there go spend that much. I have no real feel for what things sell for now. I had a few high end arties go for 2M to 2.5M, but I feel that's probably too high. Powerscroll 120s are going for 300k, which might be too low. Gotta feel it out still.
Re: item pricing for vendors
Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:57 pm
by Czarina
Thank you, That makes total sense. I believe back when i had my old account we were charging closer to 800k for select 120 scrolls but most were dirt cheap as we farmed the heck out of them. Also i totally understand the amount of gold on server. After reading the older forumn posts it looks like WPs admin have attempted to balance it some. Which is really good. Thank you all.