For what it's worth, and with as much respect as possible, I'll offer my perspective on this subject too. I think all the posts made so far really reflect a lot of different positions well. I'd like to see if I understand those positions as well as I think I do. Although this is sure to be a titanic wall of text, I'll ask that you read through it all to get the full picture before starting a reply please.
Sting is a veteran player. For advanced veterans, the only reason to keep logging in to WP after a year or so (a lot sooner for some power gamers) is the love of the players, the staff, and the peace here. Everything at that point has been defeated and can be re-defeated easily. [Let's agree to skip the "Have you crafted wine? Taken up knitting?" rebuttal here. Every veteran has probably not done every little thing but that's not really relevant if they aren't interested in those things, and a lot of people aren't. Also, those tasks don't present challenge, They're just things that take time to do.] You realize suddenly that you're just doing the same thing day in, day out, busting up champs and bosses, taming steels, popping crusties to no real point anymore, and you make the decision - slowly - to do one of two things. Continue on anyway, knowing it's pointless, because it's relaxing and nice here. I know several players that fit this bill and I myself did for quite a while. These players have made a peace with the status quo. They'd be happy for more content but they aren't going to go looking for it because to them, WP is really
home. They aren't really worried about an abundance of gold or a deficit of it, whether the content is too easy for them or not, because they are content. When you alter current content to make it harder, you have not made it more fun for this kind of player. There was already no real point in them hanging out and doing that content anyway. If it's made tedious, it's going to take them back to that decision
again where they ask - what am I really doing here? Do I stay or do I go? Especially when the change comes with no *new* content that would give this veteran something exciting or different to do.
Please note that I'm not saying the change to the cloak HAS made things tedious - I don't know. I haven't played here in several months (which will bring me to the other kind of veteran in a second) so I haven't tried it out. But the purpose of the change IS to make things harder so, if Ghost accomplished his goal, then we can assume it's more tedious. Additionally, there's this: "If this proves not to be enough of a tweak, we can and may revisit further tweaks." So we know that if players find a comfortable workaround/macro, they'll be taken out of that comfort zone again later. And this: "Just wait till I address the faster casting and recovery caps." A lot more was promised than the one change that happened. And again, what was done or alluded to does nothing to enhance the game for the kind of player already discussed.
Some players, when they hit that "I'm doing the same thing over and over to no real point" moment, whenever it comes, will move on and disappear, or maybe check back in every few months or year to reminisce and say hi to their old buds. I know players of both kinds, the ones gone and never heard from again and the yearly appearance kind. For them, there's no invitation to come back in these changes. The content already wasn't enough to keep them here; making the same old thing harder certainly isn't a draw. This is where I risk offending you guys, and I will try my very best not to because that is not my intention at all. I just want to present facts that I think may be vital to the players and possibly the server. This kind of player realizes that new and exciting content does not come to WP and doesn't hold out hope for it either. Aqueducts are not exciting. They would be a nice addition to a server that is already exciting. Read over the seasonal [MOTD for the past several years, if you need a reminder. You guys have been doing the same Christmas quests for four years running now. The turkeys and Thanksgiving champ have been going on for even longer. The dungeon bosses that represent the endgame here and are most affected by this change to the invis cloak have all been around since at least 2010, some even longer. We move on when we realize that we could leave for two years straight, come back and say "Hey everyone, what's new?" and the answer would be "Nothing."
Also - bugfixes. I'm not a coder. I don't know what goes into it and how hard or time consuming it is and I wouldn't dare to make it sound trivial or easy to do. But you guys don't fix things. Here's a post from 2013 about how 120 Remove Trap was useless at that time: It's still useless. There have been no large weapon BODs since the server started. There still aren't any. The Deal or No Deal timer thing, and so on. The forum goes all the way back and it shows a whole lot of things that are just left broken or useless for years on end, not touched or tweaked or even talked about touching or tweaking. People notice that. It means something. It's not just brushing off whoever is posting at that moment, it's a lasting record of an unwillingness to enhance/fix things.
Then you have the new players like LochLinn. Changes won't much bother new players because to them, they aren't changes. It's all brand new to them. I guess the question is whether or not making WP as it is harder will improve the new player experience and new player stickability, because they are the only players who can possibly benefit from it. Only time will tell, I guess. It might stretch out the time period before they become Masters of the Universe and come to the stay/go decision. There are also several other factors that come into play with that too though - how adept they are at the game and writing macros and scripts, and what their access is to high-end equipment early on. Will it really slow down player progression? I don't know.
I don't believe WP really has an economy. There aren't enough players to even bother with running vendors, we all know that. What makes selling even worse is the fact that some vets give away the few items you might be able to vendor, like powerscrolls and crusader gear. The players who have vendors continue out of sheer stubbornness and nothing else. If there's no market, how can there be an economy? Yes, there's an obscene amount of gold on the server and nothing to spend it on. Making gold harder to earn won't reduce it and it won't create economy where none currently exists. More than that though, this change doesn't make gold harder to earn. If we're addressing just monster-bashing methods of making gold, the obscene gold is earned at champs. Not dungeon bosses or peerless. Like I already said in a now-deleted post, dungeon bosses and peerless are not even necessary. Spellcrafting is not necessary. Chuck Norris is not necessary. They're things that players do for a sense of completion and triumph and the items they give can make players mightier but players don't NEED to be mightier. Players can powerup to the point where they can solo all the champ spawns except Oaks and Deep Sea without ever touching a Spellcrafting gem.
I'm not saying the status quo of it being so easy to farm gold and conquer the galaxy should continue. It probably shouldn't. But there's a lot more to it, a lot of different ways to look at this, and I hope I've shared those views clearly and been as uninsulting as possible in the process. I didn't write this to gloat over my own words - I don't have enough time in my life to waste them. I didn't write it to get my rocks off by tearing into you guys - I'm sure you noticed I slipped away as quietly as possible. I like you guys and I love your server; there's just not enough to keep me here anymore. The reason I wrote this was because I care and because I felt what I had to say might eventually have positive effect. I hope so.
I have to say before I go though that I always used to think that the frequent statements about WP's long run were testaments to more than just the refusal of staff to close the server regardless of how few people were playing on it. I don't know if this was phrased differently than I've ever seen or what:
Falkor wrote:The shard was created as a place where the founders would want to play. Whether that attracts a large crowd or a small one was never a consideration.
but it gave me a far different impression, and not a better one, than I ever got before.