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Pet Kennel Max Storage

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:57 am
by Ingwe
The Pet Kennel says in its gump "Maximum Storage: 999999". But I just hit 500 pets in it now and it won't take any more. Do I have a bugged Kennel or is 500 the actual limit?

I can definitely work within a 500 pet limit if that's what it is. I wasn't looking to put that 999999 to the test but I have found it easier to tame a bunch of pets, throw them in the Kennel, and take out a bunch at once to fill BODs rather than adding them one at a time.

Re: Pet Kennel Max Storage

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:29 pm
by Falkor
The limit is indeed 500 per kennel. The reason it says 999999 is complicated but basically all keys share some code and some can hold that many (like the ingot key) so the display just shows the max of all keys and not that particular one.