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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:00 am
by Ghostly Scary
Before you came to WP ( Don't answer if this is been your first shard) what shard(s) have you tried before coming to WP? Me I've been to SecondAge, UOForever ( I still play on this one here and there), UORenaissance, and many others... In conclusion WP is one of my favorites shards today. :mrgreen:

---------------------------------------------------------------Message To Staff-----------------------------------------------------

Falkor- Thanks for the new content you've given to the WP community, and messing around in the shard *Cough* *Cough* Golda's Zombies.

GhostRiderGrey- Thanks for being friendly ( Just like Falkor), I also like those little questions like what you ate or something for a elixer of choice ( Those were fun )

I have many good things to say for you two and the other Staff ( If the other staff is on any more)

In short- YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!

__________________________________________Message for Players---------------------------------------------------

Thank You players for being great, helpful, or just fun :mrgreen: I still ask questions on the shard today and you answer them ( Most of the Time) quickly, and I like that. As I started out on shards most of the time. In new shards or not I play and just get greeted by a Staff member welcoming me to the shard and that was mostly it. But the players of WP you helped my well enough to rise from darkness and done more than greeting. You ( or all of you) know me of how i'm nice to you and new players, but in this shard the WP players are making relationships and more.

----------------------------------------------------------Message for new Players----------------------------------------------

DO NOT BE SHY!!!! Staff and/or Players are here to help you... Make friends... Tell family members ( Or Friends) to play, just spread the word ( Or vote ) around and attract players and make this community grow. :mrgreen:

~Ghostly Scary :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

Re: Shards?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:08 pm
by Ingwe
You're right - there are a lot of good people here, very friendly, both staff and players! It makes a fun server even more enjoyable and I'm looking forward to celebrating some new WP anniversaries with everyone. :)

I played on Divinity late in its life, Angel Island, UOSA both when it was sub-50 players and then years later during the house-killing debacle, tried Hybrid for 2 days lol, the short-lived Rel Por, UOR for a year starting from Beta, and a few Trammel servers I won't name. Fel servers are the same thing over and over again, as we all know. How many times can you stick the same people in the same setting with the same rules and hope for a different outcome? Only took me ~13 years to figure that out. :) The other Tram servers I tried all either had multiple daily crashes, bugs, or some other problem that made them unplayable IMO. Each of them had server-specific things about them that were great but just as with WP it's the players and staff that make it either a great or miserable experience, and in that respect this server whips them all!

Re: Shards?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:47 am
by Exodus
Think this Feb marks my three years with WP. I've tried most of the top 10-15 free shards before this, and played OSI UO since it came out. The reasons I stick with WP and always come back to it regardless of the breaks I might take are simple.

The staff is engaged, ever-present and fair.

The content on this shard is overflowing yet new additions seem to be made constantly.

The player skill cap (not in game skill cap but the cap at which the player playing the game is capped) is extremely high. It's possible to solo everything on the shard with a ton of time and work and strategy. If you want it, you can get it.

I love the people I've been playing with. I've had WP with me through 2 moves, 1 cat, 2 job positions and 2 vehicles. It's sort of a consistent thing for me in a world full of inconsistent and chaotic occurrences.

Re: Shards?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:09 am
by Estel
Other than the original EA UO in which My husband, son and self all played. Daughter tried but couldn't handle being killed... :lol:...she was rather young at that time. I played as well as being a GM and developer on a shard called Ledgends of Old (which doesn't exist anymore). Then several years have passed and my son got me started on UOForever in which I DO NOT LIKE PKers!!! So I set out looking for a non-pk shard and here I am. I love playing on here, I know I don't really socialize and to be honest I got my husband an account but he will hardly get on now because there are no do overs on creation and he's just not happy with what he chose. :cry: I had so hoped that he would and for awhile he was having carpal tunnel issues really bad and couldn't but now he's reverted back to Diablo instead of getting on and playing with me. I so wish he would I have never enjoyed hunting alone. Now my son plays from time to time and he's pretty social but has got to stop calling us after our old age bedtime to see if we are on cause he has died somewhere and doesn't know where... :roll: ...Dude, you are a grown man and if you can't find a healer at least find your way back to Brit., res and summon your corps. My hubby of 30 yrs char name is Corwin of Amber and my 29 yr old sons char name is Jakool. If ya see them or I about please feel free to say Hello!

Meanwhile, I love the shard and will continue playing here as long as possible as long as I have an internet provider. On times when my own internet provider has troubles I will be playing on my own personal shard. Of course I do need to clean some of the cobwebs in my old brain out abit. lol

Thank you owners, developers, staff and fellow players. Have a Wonderful day!!! :D