So... Golden Apples...
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:06 pm
I've run into two White Stags over the past several months and in an old MOTD I learned that they like Golden Apples. Now I spenmd most of my game time just running around all over the place looking at everything, and I'm constantly using Ctrl-Shift to see what can be interacted with, and I haven't run into a single Golden Apple yet. I've even done some research and come up with a list of 10 or 11 potential Golden Apple spots but nothing has panned out there yet either. Anyone got some helpful advice to share? Like, do these apples only spawn once a month? Do they decay if they aren't picked up? How many real spawn spots are there? Just give me anything to narrow this search down to less than 'Sometime, somewhere between the far West and the far East reaches of Sosaria'.