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Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:58 pm
by Ingwe
So when I started here on WP I followed the advice given in several places and ignored Uzeraan, went straight to Lothar, and continued on my merry way. Now, 6 months later, I figured I'd get back to him - but as far as I can tell there's no way for me to start his quest. The only option I see is 'Open Paperdoll'. How can I get Uzeraan to forgive me for ignoring him these many months and get his quest?

I'm also familiar with the Dark Tides quest that starts with Mardoth the Ancient Necromancer in Umbra and I wanted to run that but he's giving me the same silent treatment as Uzeraan. If anyone can tell me how to get Mardoth to speak up and share his quest, that would be wonderful and appreciated as well.

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:07 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Make sure you don't already have another quest started. Single click yourself and select "Cancel Quest"

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:31 am
by Ingwe
Thanks Ghost, but when I did that there's no 'Cancel Quest' option so I don't think he has an active quest running.

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:29 am
by GhostRiderGrey
Did you single click him or you? You as a player can only have 1 quest going at a time and must cancel your existing quest to take another. :D

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:30 am
by GhostRiderGrey
Also, I was thinking that Uzerran gave his quest based on your starting UO profession (not our starting gates) and if you weren't the right profession you couldn't do his quest. I could be mistaken about that though.

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:14 pm
by Ingwe
GhostRiderGrey wrote:Did you single click him or you? You as a player can only have 1 quest going at a time and must cancel your existing quest to take another. :D

Lol... I love word funnies. I hadn't tried single-clicking myself irl; I was afraid it'd make other people start Evaluating my Intelligence. :lol: I knew about the single-click/Cancel Quest feature for my character but hadn't tried it until you mentioned it. It doesn't work though because there's no active quest to cancel.

I've done Uzeraan's Quest on other servers as a custom profession before but of course WP is its own place so I know that doesn't necessarily matter. I've also seen times when Uzeraan's Quest was only for 'Young' players but I figured if that were the case here we wouldn't be telling people to put it off til later.

Still don't know why Mardoth is being stingy with his quest either but I appreciate you trying to help me out, Ghost. :)

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:57 pm
by Falkor
After checking the scripts I can verify that both quests rely on the profession chosen when starting your character. This is not the gate you chose once arriving in WP; it is the character creation screen in the client.

Uzeraan's quest requires you to have started as a warrior, magician, or paladin. Mardoth's quest (Dark Tides) requires you to have started as a necromancer.

Doing the advanced template where you choose your own skills does not qualify for either quest.

Re: Some Quests Don't Want To Start

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:33 pm
by Ingwe
Ah what a bummer! Especially since whatever you start as in that screen becomes irrelevant once you hit the WP gates anyway. Thanks very much for looking into it though, Falkor. Much appreciated! ^_^