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Another Idea or Two

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:16 am
by Arkady
Hello everyone.

Any thoughts to adding more ethereals mounts? available either by crafting, like some of the ones already or as new vet rewards? Some of the newest models added by falkor would make great ethereals. Ive stated before i would like a return of the old polar bear mount, and perhaps the old ostard mounts. I like the new ones as well, and appreciate that they were added, i just also like variety, and was quite fond of the old bear model.
Also, the ethereal swamp dragon still looks like the old swamp dragon. could we get the new one as a ethereal too? its a beautiful model.
Will any of the new dragon models ever be rideable? (considering they are very similar to certain flying dragons from another game).

It would be sweet to have available an ethereal mount key. i would like the freedom of having my collection available whenever.

Will there ever be any changes to the monthly rewards?

Thanks for taking the time to read over my ramblings.


Re: Another Idea or Two

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:25 am
by Falkor
I should be able to make the new mounts craftable as ethereals. I'll put that on my to-do list closer to the top since I don't foresee any issues with making it happen. This will also include making the ethereal swamp dragon match its regular counterpart.

For all mobs with a new body, the new body completely replaced the old. The old artwork is no longer in the client in any fashion. There is a relatively small number of body "slots" in the client so many had to replace older ones instead of becoming an additional choice.

No currently-used dragons can be a mount. In fact, the client has rendering issues with using larger mobs as mounts. We still have mobs that haven't been used yet so there will be new mobs and mounts in the future!

Re: Another Idea or Two

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:00 pm
by Ingwe
Sounds awesome! I'm a big fan of non-conventional ethy mounts too. Would love to see them become available by any means, be it vet rewards, crafting, or donation.