Thanks in advance for any answers!
1) Is it a goal of this server to try and vastly increase the server population? I ask for a few reasons. First is that the last two servers I played on both gave rewards to players merely for staying logged in all the time, the theory being that it keeps the average players online # higher, which attracts even more players. I'm not asking for rewards here, btw, just giving you some history on me. Second is that, without knowing the answer to this question I've tried staying logged in to WP when AFK but it seems like if my character isn't doing anything or is doing something pointless (like training a skill that has already hit GM), I get disconnected pretty quickly. Just wondering about this, no big deal either way. I'd just like to know what I should do with my char when I'm done for the day, log or no.
2) Has anyone compiled a good or comprehensive list of pet-killing mobs? I enjoy learning a lot of things about custom servers through trial-and-error, but this is not one of them.