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Scavenger/treasure hunt

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:26 pm
by Ash
TFc will be hosting a scavenger/treasure hunt that will start the Friday afternoon of June 13 and ends on June 20.

The full details may be seen by going to the travel center and then taking the golden yellow gate marked Last Chance Provisioners. A book with all details is locked down on the floor. Please read it carefully there are a couple things that can disqualify you. Enjoy the hunt and re exploring the shard.


Re: Scavenger/treasure hunt

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:28 pm
by Ash
I had a error pointed out and wanted to make things clear about the hunt. As of now no more items will be placed. The cut off deadline to turn in is on Sunday June 22 by 2 PM shard time. The place to turn your bags in with the armor and a book with your name in it is at the Last Chance Provisioners. Place your bags in the mailbox on the front steps. There is a gate at the travel center to reach the Last Chance Provisioners newest part of the roof with gates and it is golden yellow. The results will be available on Monday after noon.

Enjoy the Hunt