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Some Questions

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:23 pm
by Molybdenum
Hello all! Have been on the Pines for about a month now and have had nothing but a fun time. It's been a while since I've played UO and I have some questions I did not want to bother anyone in game with.
1. Where can I get a crafting book and which mobs drop the jewels? Am not very good at PVM and enjoy the crafting and home building more.
2. Is there a bio primer telling how to get started and where to find what is needed for pets? I promise to do a thorough search of the boards for this but did not see at a cursory glance.

Thanks to the staff and players I have encountered on the Pines for making it a place I enjoy returning to. And sorry for all the dangling participles.

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:49 pm
by Molybdenum
Thanks Ash, for the in-game help. I found all the bio and gardening info I was looking for right here on the forums.
But I have exhausted the New Player Guide and haven't found about how to get started with crafting; the search continues lol.

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:55 am
by GhostRiderGrey
Which crafting book are you referring to?

And for Bios, search for a post called Bio Enigineering by Spacerx

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:37 pm
by Molybdenum
lol Sorry for the confusion. I started with an incorrect assumption. I thought the crafting system was a book in which were dropped crafting gems [one for [i]Swing Speed Increase[i] or Resistance bonuses for armor or luck,etc]. And then using different magic gems as reagents, applied the bonus from the crafting book to the item you were crafting.
Ash is right and the good loot only has value if actually earned in game. Looking forward to making my own armor of all 70s resist and some killer weapons and jewelry. Thanks again!

Re: Some Questions

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:55 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
There is a spellcrafting book which can drop from the boss in Hyloth. Once you have the book, you need to populate it with recipes (the enhancements you will then be able to apply to weapons and armor, like night sight). The book requires charges to do that, and charges are supplied by spellcrafting jewels.

:mrgreen: GhostRiderGrey