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Damage Increase Cap

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:34 am
by KawKawKaw
Question for admins and/or stat savvy players in the know.....

With my bow on I do a [status and my bonus Weapon Damage is at 104. Now my bow itself has Damage Increase of 59%. Does this mean that I'm over the cap by 4 points with the bow equipped? Or is the DI on the bow handled separately from the DI on my other gear (arm, rings and such). I think I know the answer and I'm over cap so I need to focus on other aspects of my status window.

I guess bottom line is when looking at the [status report on your toon what are the caps for each of these and items related to weapon is there any division between toon and weapon equipped or is it all one big stack for any given stat.

I would like to know where I can find the caps for the stat items and more about how they work.


Re: Damage Increase Cap

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:36 am
by Exodus
Heres what I've found from testing.

I know Damage increase cap is 300% but you can only obtain a combined 100% from gear. The amount on your weapon will almost always be the highest portion of your damage inc. If you have a 50% dmg inc weapon, stormgrips, and a few jewels, you can hit 100% fairly easily. The other 200% dmg inc can come from Slayer weps, Honoring your Target, Enemy of One, or other skills that increase your dmg.

FC/FCR - Even though you can get way over 4/6 cast speed, it still caps at 4/6 FC/FCR. Having extra does NOT make up for the protection spell penalty. Having protection on will still land you at 2/4 real cast speed.

Regens - No increase after 18 of any regen.

Hit/Defense chance - 40 is still the cap. I've tried my set at 100 of both and there is no difference using a hit counter on the training dummies over a half hour of auto attacks.

Swing Speed Inc - No real cap. Depends on your stamina. At 180 stam 25% swing speed will cap you at 1.25 sec attack speed for every weapon. At 150 stam, 40% attack speed will swing cap you.

Spell Dmg - This seems to scale even after 100%. Does NOT scale with necro spells here. Use spirit speak for necro.

Lower Mana Cost - No benefit after 40% sadly.

*deep breath* There we are.