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Summer Cleanup 2013

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 4:26 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Summer is upon us and that means it's time for a WP cleanup. Do you have chests full of collected junk and trash you don't really need? Trash these items for tokens and help us clean up. Less items means less for the server to have to keep track of and faster save times. There are 474424 items on the server right now, and we would love to see that cut by a 3rd.

-- The Staff of WP

Re: Summer Cleanup 2013

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:15 pm
by Bree Darkmane
Well, one way to cut down on item count would be to make the resource/storage keys more readily/easily available and/or more affordable. As a crafter, I LOVE those keys because they can hold all my resources, as well as any reagents my alchemist/mage/inscriber needs :) Also, if we gardeners had a seed bowl or container where we could place the seeds, I know that would help with the count! 8 seeds per plant tends to leave one with ALOT of seeds :)

Anyway, my 2 cents.

Bree Darkmane

Re: Summer Cleanup 2013

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:33 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Staff feels that keys are appropriately priced/resourced for their importance.

There is a seed container called a Florists Seed Companion. It is a donation item.

What we are looking to get cleaned up are the containers that have 100 lanterns in them, or 100 other boxes/containers that you are never going to use. 100 ringmail tunics, 100 leather arms, etc, etc, etc. Stuffing this useless stuff into keys is not necessarily a good idea either. If you don't need it, trash it for some tokens and make WP a better place to play :D

Re: Summer Cleanup 2013

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:05 am
by Serena Shadow
Are you telling me I don't need a 100 paper lanterns? But, ever will I lamp bomb people? :D