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Fishing Pole Crafting Change?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:22 am
by KawKawKaw
Patty and both have Green fishing poles made of Zircote wood. They are handy because they are easier to see in pack. Well we went to make some more for a guildie and no longer can be made (and retain the color of the wood). They all come out the same blah brown regardless of the type of wood being used.

Any reason for this change? Any chance of changing it back to giving it the color of the wood?


Re: Fishing Pole Crafting Change?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:40 am
by GhostRiderGrey
This wasn't touched Kaw. Make sure you have the correct wood selected AND have it set to retain the color of the wood.

:mrgreen: GhostRiderGrey

Re: Fishing Pole Crafting Change?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:27 am
by KawKawKaw

After reading this and talking in game I did a simple test.
* brought up the carpentry tool
* set wood (verified zircote actually) selection
* observed the option on the wood selction menu 'DO NOT COLOR' was visible.
* made fishing pole (Other menu)
* Result: standard brown fishing pole
* went back and toggled the 'DO NOT COLOR' to 'USE MATERIAL COLOR'
* Made another fishing pole
* Result: standard brown fishing pole
* Did again with USE MATERIAL COLOR visible on the wood selection and set to zircote but making a wooden box.
* Result: green wooden box.
* Did again with DO NOT COLOR visible
* Result: Green wooden box

somepin not quite right here...

Re: Fishing Pole Crafting Change?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:41 am
by GhostRiderGrey
On your wooden box test, did you make a new one, or did you tell it to make last? Also, some items do not retain the wood color, even if they say they do on the carpentry tool.


Re: Fishing Pole Crafting Change?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:52 am
by GhostRiderGrey
....and it looks like if you have picked a colored wood, it always crafts a box with the wood's color, regardless of the "do not color" setting.
