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Hello, Greetings!

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:39 am
by Bartuc
Hello everyone!

I am new here, though at times I swear i'm not... some things often seem familiar to me but that could be just the countless years and shards i've been on. Though I will say this, I already feel at home. Please bare with me for my endless stream of questions come as a new player and honestly I should be figuring most of them out myself. I am always up to do something with others though, as solo play on UO is limited on funscale.

I hope to see everyone around! I'm off to tame something~ :D

Re: Hello, Greetings!

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:05 pm
by Bartuc
I would like to state as well. I -am- a roleplayer and would most likely be found In character while playing. Though I will have my OOC moments too. Have fun all ! :)

Re: Hello, Greetings!

PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:28 pm
by GhostRiderGrey
Glad to have you on board Bartuc!

:mrgreen: GhostRiderGrey