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New Event for WP Shard

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:33 pm
by KawKawKaw
The Fire Clan would like to announce the shards first time ever auction house! (Or at least that is what we are being told by people in the know). WP is growing as many may have noticed. Lots of new players and they are sticking around. Hanging out and enjoying themselves.

The Fire Clan mall was repositioned, remodeled, and reopened this week. BUT along with it is a specially designed auditorium with the specific purpose of hosting auctions for all the shards players to sell and buy goods.
As of now we are actively looking for items from players that they would like to put up for auction sometime in the near future. We would like to see items with a retail value on the shard of no less than 10k gold but it is sufficed to say that we will consider putting most anything up even if it is something that requires million’s.

The auction house works on a graduated commission scale that goes lower based on a higher selling price of the items.

We will be making available a buyer and seller guide to help you understand the ins and outs of the auction.

What we would like from everyone:
• Let us know what you think –
o What items would you be eager to see at auction?
o What day of the week would be most convenient for you to attend?
o What hour of the day would be best?
o What do you think would make for a good intermission prize or door prize?
o What would you like to sell?

We anticipate that there will be lots of different ideas and we want to take as many into consideration as we move forward. We will try to narrow the date / time down to a couple or three choices and then poll everyone to get a feel which would be best.

Then as the first auction day gets closer we will publish a listing of all the items that we will have in the first auction event. Along with the item list will be the opening bid amount for the items. We might even let slip a hint here and there about what prizes may be in the offing. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

This is going to be a recurring event so after the first auction is completed we will post all the items sold and what they sold for. AND what those prizes were!

WP is growing and we think we can all have a lot of fun with the new Auction Hall. The Fire Clan looks forward to your input AND participation making this adventure a successful one for everyone!

Warm regards,

Re: New to Event for WP Shard

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:12 am
by Brontu
Sounds like fun. WP is growing. In fact, I'm trying to get a couple of my friends to join. They all have the same in-game mentality as I do (champ spawns, doom, etc)...

To answer your questions:
o What items would you be eager to see at auction?
- organics, high end armor, spellcrafting gems, lvl 6 tmaps, 120 PSs, high end runic kits

o What day of the week would be most convenient for you to attend?
- any

o What hour of the day would be best?
- Evening eastern standard time (US)

o What do you think would make for a good intermission prize or door prize?
- 110/115 PSs, crafted armor, star hunter gems, lesser artifacts

o What would you like to sell?
- PS, crafted jewelry, very large ore/board commodity deeds (all types)

Donation Box For the Auction House

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:34 pm
by KawKawKaw
Have had comments in game and here related to the Auction House concept. In addition, the Fire Clan members and friends have been busy putting our heads together to try and make this not only successful but to really make it fun and helpful at the same time. To that end, it was one of these suggestions that brings me to this announcement.

We have added a donation box by the front door of the Auction Hall. This box fills several needs but the most important ones are providing a means of dropping off items for auction and bids. Yep I said bids.

The box can be used to drop off items for auction. What you need to prepare when you want to submit something is get your item(s) together along with a bag and a book. In the book write your name, the item you want to sell, any comments you might like to have given as background information on the item, and your MINIMUM selling price. I will pick up the items and add them to the list of items for the next auction.

Now... the other primary reason for the donation box is this. One week prior to the 'Live Auction' we will post a list of the items that are being offered for bid. This list will include both items being sold for Gold AND items being sold for Tokens. Immediately after the list is posted the auction begins because the first part of the auction is a silent auction. You would only need to get a book. Inside it write your name your bid amount along with the item # (not item name) that you are bidding on; then drop it in the donation box. We will post updates to the forums of the current high bid and who is holding the high bid. This will go on until just hours before the 'Live Auction' begins.

The starting bid for the Live Auction will be the beginning point for the Live bidding. If there are no Live bids tendered then the highest silent bidder will be the winner. The winner can then pick up their Item anytime after the closing gavel on that item.

More to come soon. We still want to hear from you with your feedback.
