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Old school Celtic desktop art

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:55 am
by Dispiro Malas
I have talked about artwork in game a few times and at least a few has said they where interested in it. I know most of you could care less about it. If I get a at least one reply that its a good Idea then I will upload the two required mul files needed for it. I have over written the unhooded robe, and few others (female gumps only) and the all the color spell icons are in place and the classic black background because I didnt feel like fixing all the other wearables. I would have to make a fix to the long skirt and something else. The only difference with my files is that my hues file is different (because its the one my little girl likes) and wont affect wp's hues. so I decided to post a screenshot of what I am talking about. Hope you like :mrgreen:

Re: Old school Celtic desktop art

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:05 am
by KawKawKaw
Stop it or you'll have me singing Irish drinking songs and that not pretty! :)

Very neat!


Re: Old school Celtic desktop art

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:16 am
by Dispiro Malas
LOL *covers ears* Anyways I was asked yesterday evening if this was my artwork. It's not I have the Celtic theme right now. here is a link to the other themes.. this was created back in the day when the Verdata.mul file was still in use. but there is a way to bring the artwork into the game without the verdata. Also a couple of the gumplings and other stuff I found in the runuo's forums to fix some of them for the celtic theme such as the Quest and Guild gump. which was fixed. I also have the talent and the ability to create my own artwork :) oh and here is the link