Aye, I tried training a few other tames and realized it is only the Healing Fairy that wouldn't gain skills. Thanks for the replies on that.
They have a swing graphic as though they're trying to fight, Falkor, but I guess they just never land a punch? I don't know if you're interested or not but I never saw them gain *any* skill, not just melee but magical as well. No Meditation, Magery, or EI. If that's the way they're supposed to work then heck, I'll just stop playing around with them and use their shrunken forms for deco instead.
Regarding the rubber-banding issue on the brambles, am I the only player who has this problem? Because it REALLY acts just like something I experienced on another server (and I'll PM you a link to the thread about it, Falkor - the mentioned patch is a dead link now though :/). Some brambles I can run straight through and some are impassable and have me bouncing all over the place trying to run through them. For the sake of being thorough, I did try both of your suggestions and neither one changed the issue - all the brambles remained as they were.
As always, thanks for the replies and I have to tell you Falkor - the explanation for the Great Harts made me smile. That kind of attention to some very interesting minute detail is simply awesome
My compliments to the WP staff; playing here is a great experience.