Today is our last day for the Staff designed House giveaway!! remember.. you do not get a second house... You must demo your house or donate if you wish to keep your current house and take this one. There is a rune to the give away locked down at the house directly north of the player gate for pineville south... found at the travel center.
There are 4 chances today... it will last until server up tomorrow morning 6/1/2012. Return the horses and the books to a KWN member and you will be entered for the house.. the drawing will take place after... the winner will be posted in the forums and notified in game.
There are 2 green horses.. they will give you and entry with no extra prize.
There is a pink horse. This horse will get you an entry and 250k gold.
There is a black horse. This horse will get you an entry and 200k tokens.
There may be and extra prize not listed on these horses to keep to the person that find them.
All horses are in a dungeon... and there is one horse on each facet.
Each horse may have prizes on them not listed here
Event if you do not intend for the house giveaway you are welcome to compete. Please remember to turn in the book and the horse that you find.
Thank you to all who played in our KWN events this month and good luck to everyone entered for the house.